Hey! I’m a senior studying 1-12 (Climate Systems Science and Engineering) with minors in 8 (Physics) and 11 (Urban Studies and Planning). I’m an only child of very loving parents and was born in northeastern Brazil (the easternmost point of the Americas is my home town!). I actually came into MIT planning to study Astrophysics but, after a lot of reflection (which included a session with Father Michael), decided my skills and interests really lie in the intersection of our natural and human systems, so my work with climate and sustain ability means a lot to me :) I’m also a proud first-generation, low-income student!
Why is the Catholic Faith important to you?
Being Catholic is key to my identity, and I hope the values and priorities I hold dear from my faith are reflected in whatever it is that I do, from student government to academic research. Since I moved a bit during my high school years, I was only involved with my parishes when it came to attending Mass. MIT has given me the space and opportunity to truly feel like a part of a community, and I am daily inspired by the faith and love of other mem bers of the TCC!
Do you have a favorite saint? If so, why that saint?
One of the many ways in which my faith has grown while at MIT was my decision to get confirmed during my second year. I actually chose Saint Óscar Romero, the unofficial patron saint of the Americas and martyr of the Church, as my patron saint. I deeply admire his commitment to his faith and the poor and marginalized, particularly in the face of oppression. I want to connect my faith with work to improve our lives here on Earth, and he reminds me of the challenges and blessings that come with the courage to do “mens et manus” in real life. (Also, there’s a statue of him nearby in the chapel of St Mary of the Annunciation Church nearby, if you ever want to visit!)
Do you have any favorite devotions (rosary, Eucharist Adoration, novena, . . .)?
One of my favorite ways to connect with God is through weekly Eucharistic Adoration. Even if only for a few minutes, taking the time to be with God and appreciate His love and care is nothing short of revolutionary. Our faith is incredibly beautiful, and I am particularly moved by just how physical and embodied it is—and the Eucharist reminds me of the ways in which God truly made Himself flesh. Even if (and perhaps particularly when) I’m going through a tough time, putting everything to His care gives me strength. This is also a habit I picked up while at MIT, since the Chapel provided me with the convenience and support to become more intimate with God in whatever way I preferred!
Why is Catholic Ministry and the Catholic Community at MIT important to you?
Having a Catholic Ministry and community at MIT has been life-changing and fundamental for my personal and career growth. Being able to join a Bible Study group (despite never having done one before) and not feeling belittled even if I was out of my depth was key in help ing me delve deeper and become a fuller in dividual and member of my community. I felt inspired and supported to start attending Daily Mass, Adoration, and even my first Retreat! I learned a lot about the faith through the TCC, certainly, but also about class recom mendations, winter clothes, and baking skills through the older students, and some of my dearest friends come from our community. I have also found that being Catholic has made me reflect on my values and priorities in a way that is way too easy to otherwise lose while at MIT. Being an international student, delving deeper in my Catholic faith was also a way to connect with my family and heritage at times when it felt far away. My first year was a time of great excitement, certainly, but also of change—and I am so glad I had a fantastic Catholic Ministry through it all!
-Ananda Santos-Figueiredo, MIT 2025